Your Sleep Style and Amount of Sleep Affects Your Pillow Choice
People spend a significant portion, well at least 1/3 of their lives in bed. Without a proper night’s sleep, it’s difficult to function properly whether it’s at home, at work or with others. A bad night’s sleep can affect relationships and work performance. Improper sleeping positions can place huge amounts of strain on the body – this in turn results in back and neck pain. Adopting proper sleeping positions can prevent neck pain, whether sleeping on the back, on the side or face down. This is where your sleep style determines how healthy your sleep really is.
No matter what sleeping position you choose, it is important that your body is correctly aligned to ensure that a minimal level of stress is placed on your spine. This is why it’s so important to ensure you have excellent spinal and pelvic alignment. Using a pillow to help support your body weight will help reduce and prevent back and neck pain, allowing you to sleep more comfortably, and with good posture throughout the night. The Mayo Clinic recommends placing a pillow between your legs when sleeping on your side, under your knees when sleeping on your back and beneath your abdomen when sleeping on your stomach.
There are three main sleep styles that you will adopt; the side sleeper, the back sleeper and the stomach sleeper. Each has pros and cons.
Side Sleeping:
Facts: Sleeping on your side is the more recommended sleep style position as there is less pressure on your back and posture by maintaining this sleep position. If you have a sore back, try placing a pillow in between your legs to help reduce any pressure. This position is recommended for pregnant woman, snorers and people suffering from acid reflux.
Fun Facts – Not proven: Those who sleep on their side, with their arms stretched out in front, are described as approachable yet suspicious. They may take their time making judgments, but once made, they will remain resolute. Those who sleep on their sides with their arms by their sides tend to be trusting, sociable and affable, but they may also be naïve. This position keeps the spine straight and enables free air flow.
Stomach Sleeping:
Facts: If you like to sleep on your stomach, this position is not as good for you as it causes un- necessary strain on your neck and back. Try using a very soft pillow if this is your preferred sleeping style.
Fun facts: Those who sleeps on their stomachs, with arms hugging their pillow, are often sensitive people who hide it well with their outgoing and extroverted image. They tend not to take criticism well and avoid confrontation. This position is the most problematic for several reasons. Your neck will probably be set at an unnatural 90-degree angle, causing stiffness, and holding your arms above your head for an extended period may result in pins and needles. You could use a pillow to support your body, taking some strain off your neck.
Back sleeping:
Facts: Back sleepers, this is not a good position for snorers, as it tends to make the snoring worse. Sleeping on you back may cause lower back pain. We recommend a soft pillow under your knee.
Fun Facts: People who lie on their backs with arms straight by their sides are said to be calm and detached, and they often set high standards for themselves. Those who sleep on their backs with their arms stretched out tend to be good listeners who shy away from praise and glory. However, sleeping on your back makes your tongue fall back, making it likely that you will snore. You are also susceptible to indigestion when you sleep on your back as it can promote acid reflux.
Not getting enough sleep:
It could be due to the function of your current pillow, it may also be the position you sleep in. If your spinal alignment is out, this affects pressure points and compression on your body, this is what causes strain, pain, and soreness, no wonder you wake up with a sore neck, and back. You need to feel completely relaxed when sleeping, so any pain due to improper sleeping positions will not only keep you up at night, but generally you will wake up still feeling tired, and your muscles will not be relaxed and refreshed.
If you don’t get enough Zzzs this sleep deprivation has been shown to lead to high blood pressure, depression, obesity and other problems. Take our #sleep8hrs pledge or join us on Facebook and join our community to improve sleep all over the world.
Here is what you can do now
Try changing your pillow, use our Pillow chooser and use our tips for great sleeping.