Brestfeeding 101
breastfeeding 101
Breastfeeding- its available whenever and wherever your baby needs a feed, so many nutritional benefits for your baby and to help build up babies immunity. You also may need to bottle feed from expressed breast milk. It’s important to learn your baby’s uniqueness and to work with it. Ensure you have the right posture and are comfortable.
Breast pump- so many to chose from. Expressing your milk helps ensure there’s food for your baby when you’re not around, it also gives Dads the chance to bond and do some feeding. Disposable milk (freezer) bags: You’ll need a supply of these to store your milk (you can freeze breast milk for up to 6 months).
Nursing bras: They essential for breastfeeding your baby, and make nursing easier for you.
Breast pads: Two to four pairs of washable, one box of disposable, or one set of silicone. You may be surprised at how much and how often you can leak breast milk. Breast pads will help to keep your breasts clean. You should try air drying your breasts occasionally.
Nipple cream: you may experience sore or cracked nipples. Keep cream on hand for cracked nipples.
Nipple shells/pads: they help protect sensitive nipples by keeping skin away from potentially irritating clothing.
Breast ice packs: For those times when you’re sore, engorged, or suffering from an infection, these ice packs can bring much relief.
Nursing / feeding pillow – these specially designed pillows can help you and your baby get comfortable and reduce your chances of getting a cramped back, shoulder and neck pain. Recommended by health care professional due to its ability to provide ergonomical support and its ability to facilitate optimal attachment no matter the position you decide to breastfeed.